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- Nelson Lodge care home holds auction of late resident’s artwork
28 September 2021
Nelson Lodge care home holds auction of late resident’s artwork
To celebrate National Day of Arts in Care Homes, which takes place annually on 24 September, Nelson Lodge care home has launched an auction of the artwork of a late resident.
The auction, by Anchor’s Nelson Lodge care home in St Neots, is being held on Facebook until Friday, 1 October. The proceeds will go to the Alzheimer’s Society and extra amenities to enhance the wellbeing of residents at the home.
The artist, Clive Wilson, was a resident at Anchor’s Nelson Lodge care home in St Neots with his wife Jennifer. Art was always a very important part of their family; Clive was a practicing artist and his wife was a printer. Their son Michael, who is now an art curator in New York, invited the care home to sell some of Clive’s artwork and use the proceeds how they wished.
Clive’s artwork has had a big impact on the care team at Anchor’s Nelson Lodge care home. One such carer is Jack Oliver, Care Assistant at Anchor’s Nelson Lodge care home, who had a very strong relationship with Clive. Jack was a contestant on BBC 3’s makeup competition programme Glow Up and in Episode 3 spoke on the show about how their makeup session was inspired by the former resident.
Sean Mccloskey, Manager of Anchor’s Nelson Lodge, said: “Clive’s artwork is incredible and it’s amazing to see it being appreciated.
“Arts and crafts are an important part of the activity programme at Anchor’s Nelson Lodge care home and help to improve residents’ wellbeing. We have singalongs, art therapy and many crafting activities that residents love.”
For National Day of Arts in Care Homes, Anchor care homes across the country engaged in creative activities such as water colouring, sticker collaging and creating art exhibitions of residents’ artwork.
To see Clive’s artwork and bid in the auction visit Anchor’s Nelson Lodge care home’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/nelson.lodge.st.neots
For more information on Anchor’s Nelson Lodge care home in St Neots please call 01480 479100.
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