Resident publications
We also produce a number of resident helpsheets that give more detailed information on a range of specific topics. These are available to all residents through your local manager. If you don’t have your local manager’s number to hand, you can find it by searching for your location in our Phonebook.
Anchor Publications
Read Anchor's key publications including our Annual Report, Business Plan, Sustainability Strategy and a range of financial and resident focused reports.
Find out moreRelated information
Resident communication options
Find out about the different options we have available to help make it easier for residents to access communications from us and how to let Anchor know your communication preference.
Language support service
Anchor utilizes the skills of our diverse workforce to provide a language support service to help improve communication with our customers who don’t speak English as a first language.
Resident involvement
Find out about the different ways residents can get involved in shaping policies and improving the performance of services provided across Anchor.
Diversity and inclusion
Anchor ensures that dignity and respect are central to the way we work, and that the unique contributions of our colleagues and residents are valued and celebrated.