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- Northbourne care home named one of the Top 20 care homes in the North East 2020
29 April 2020
Northbourne care home named one of the Top 20 care homes in the North East 2020
Northbourne care home in Gateshead has been recognised as one of the Top 20 care homes in the North East in carehome.co.uk 2020 awards.
The carehome.co.uk Top 20 Care Home Awards are based on more than 90,000 reviews over the past two years from care home residents as well as their friends and family. Northbourne has a rating of 9.7 out of 10 on the website and has received praise for the quality of care and the dedication of the staff.
Mark Greaves, Anchor Hanover’s Managing Director of Care Services, welcomed the announcement and praised the dedication and commitment of the staff.
He said: “I’m pleased our colleagues in Northbourne have been given special recognition for their work and the service they provide to their residents. The commitment of our colleagues now more than ever should be celebrated at this unprecedented time. I am proud of their achievements. They are a credit to Anchor Hanover and the care sector.”
For more information on Anchor’s care homes, contact 0800 731 2020.
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