Dining at The Manor House Roundhay

Let us help answer your questions
We know that moving to a care home is a decision that requires careful consideration, and can be the result of a life-changing event. With years of experience providing support and care to older people, our warm and friendly staff are committed to helping each resident through the transition and making the move to The Manor House Roundhay as easy as possible.
More about our home
Dementia care at The Manor House Roundhay
We understand that each person living with us has distinct needs. Our dedicated carers spend time getting to understand the complete needs and desires of each of our residents and work to provide opportunity and choice that empowers residents to take control of their life decisions.
Our home at The Manor House Roundhay
Meticulously finished to the highest standard, The Manor House Roundhay is a light, spacious and elegant home offering five-star accommodation and a wide range of impressive facilities. Find out more about our beautifully appointed home.
Dining at The Manor House Roundhay
We make the most of mealtimes at The Manor House Roundhay. We’ll get to know your likes and dislikes, catering for any special dietary requirements, so that you enjoy all of the meals we serve in our ambient dining areas.
Approach to activities at The Manor House Roundhay
You'll always find plenty to do at The Manor House Roundhay. We focus on providing the older people that choose to live with us with an active lifestyle from the outset.