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- Anchor's response to the 2024 Autumn Budget
30 October 2024
Anchor's response to the 2024 Autumn Budget
Anchor's Chief Executive Sarah Jones comments on today's Budget statement made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
On Housing, Sarah Jones, Chief Executive at Anchor says:
Housing is rightly a key priority for the Government; we welcome the additional funding for the Affordable Homes Programme and look forward to hearing more about the long-term plan in the new year. We believe that 10% of Homes England’s capital funding budgets should be for homes for older people, as this would support the 35% of older people who our research shows would consider downsizing, supporting them and freeing up housing capacity.
We welcome the consultation on a new long-term social housing rent settlement. A settlement of more than five years is essential so that we can plan our investment in our existing properties and building more.
Housing policy should underpin everything else that is important: health, employment, education, care, and community.
The provision of age-appropriate housing and support has significant health and wellbeing benefits. At Anchor, we are committed to meeting demand and increasing housing options for people in later life through our strong development programme, delivering an average of at least 500 homes a year over a rolling 10-year period, with at least 70% of those homes being for social rent.
This benefits the whole of society as it helps people to live healthier and independent lives for longer, decreases pressure on public services, as well as freeing up family homes for the next generation.
On Adult Social Care Reform: Sarah Jones, Chief Executive at Anchor says:
We were disappointed to see social care funding reform overlooked once again and urge the Government to bring forward details of its plans for the sector as soon as possible. With an ageing population, funding reform is key to futureproofing both social care and the NHS. Addressing this issue will benefit not only the older people of today but those of tomorrow.
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